Multi Story Edinburgh
Multi Story Edinburgh is a student-produced podcast that features snapshots of life as a new graduate. Each episode is a different path and a different story.
In Season 6 we speak to five graduates from the Class of 2024 about the ins and outs of post-graduation life.
If you are interested in telling your story, please get in touch and let's talk.
Previous Seasons:
In Season 5 titled 'All Roads Lead to Edinburgh', we feature guests from the Class of 2023. Our student host, Andrew McGillivray, takes them five years into an ideal future and asks where they would like to be, and how they would return to Edinburgh if presented the chance to give a speech to the new student cohort.
For season 4, we spoke to our 2022 graduates and asked them: Are we back to normal yet?
In season 3, we expanded our scope and decided to chat to a mix of graduates about returning to a place. Is going back a negative, an acceptance of defeat? Or does time and experience change our perspective and our priorities?
Season 2 is a little bit of the same but quite a lot different. As the world emerges from pandemic paralysis, are our 2021 graduates feeling inspired or inhibited, glad or gloomy, chaotic or calm?
In season 1, we talked to our 2020 graduates about how things were going, or not going, for them.
Subscribe now and find out what everyone is up to and how they feel about this weird and unpredictable time. All opinions expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Edinburgh. Multi Story Edinburgh has been created and produced by the Alumni Relations team at the University of Edinburgh.
2024 and 2023: vector created by freepik from www.freepik.com
2022: vector created by upklyak from www.freepik.com
2021: vector created by redgreystock from www.freepik.com
Since When by Mise Darling
Shake It! by Jahzzar
Avientu by Jahzzar
Gentle Chase by Podington Bear
(all sourced from freemusicarchive.org under license CC BY-SA.)
Detective Begining Adventures by KonovalovMusic. Sourced from Tribe of Noise.
Multi Story Edinburgh is distributed and licensed CC BY-SA
Multi Story Edinburgh
Episode 79: Stories From Their Final Year
In our first main special, Andrew has recruited a panel of graduates from all corners of the class of 2023, who are excited and ready to tell you their experiences from their final year of studies at Edinburgh University.
Our panel consists of:
Agathe (BSc Computer Science and Mathematics), Ailsa (MA Physical Education), Eugenie (BN Nursing Studies), Gregory (MEng Mechanical Engineering), Mick (BSc Acoustics and Music Technology), Shaily (BVM&S Veterinary Medicine) and Vojtech (BSc Geology and Physical Geography).
All opinions expressed are those of the individual and do not necessarily reflect those of the University of Edinburgh.
Multi Story Edinburgh has been created and produced by the Alumni Relations team at the University of Edinburgh. If you are interested in telling your story, please get in touch and let’s talk!
Person Vector created by freepik: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/podcast-landing-page-template_11599076.htm
On Air Sign created by freepik : https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/podcast-concept-illustration_11684809.htm
“Since When” by Mise Darling (modified). Sourced from Free Music Archive under license CC BY-SA. Available at: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Mise/Rebel_1433/Mise_Darling_-_Rebel_-_11_Since_When_1357/
“Shake It!” by Jahzzar (modified). Sourced from Free Music Archive under license CC BY-SA. Available at: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Super_1222/01_Shake_It/
“Avientu” by Jahzzar (modified). Sourced from Free Music Archive under license CC BY-SA. Available at: https://freemusicarchive.org/music/Jahzzar/Sele/Avientu/
Multi Story Edinburgh is distributed and licensed CC BY-SA